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Brand I : PASSIONATELY (500Gram)

Brand I : PASSIONATELY (500Gram)

Weight: 340gram

Success leads aspirations, stronger desire is as great success. With Trung Nguyen coffee "I", seem you have more confidante, cheer your dreams, your desires into reality.
With special blended formula is based on a combination of four types of Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, best Catimor along the coffee processing technology leading the World and the secret can not be copied, Trung Nguyen "I" with color dark brown water, hard flavor, charming characteristic is created with the idea to bring to you the perfect cup of coffee, the breakthrough innovative ideas to accompany you ignited PASSIONATELY STARTING NOW.
Suitable for those love Coffee Concentrates
Suitable for all drinking.

Weight: 340gram

Success leads aspirations, stronger desire is as great success. With Trung Nguyen coffee "I", seem you have more confidante, cheer your dreams, your desires into reality.
With special blended formula is based on a combination of four types of Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, best Catimor along the coffee processing technology leading the World and the secret can not be copied, Trung Nguyen "I" with color dark brown water, hard flavor, charming characteristic is created with the idea to bring to you the perfect cup of coffee, the breakthrough innovative ideas to accompany you ignited PASSIONATELY STARTING NOW.
Suitable for those love Coffee Concentrates
Suitable for all drinking.
Brand I : PASSIONATELY (500Gram)
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Cafe Creative 5: Culi Arabica

Cafe Creative 5: Culi Arabica

Weight: 340gram

The Culi Arabica is a world-class, multi-source, peaberry blended coffee. The Creative #5 is a coffeehouse favorite here in the USA. One bakery/coffeeshop here in New England displays the Culi Arabica in a presspot along with 6-7 other world-class coffees from Jamaica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sumatra, etc., and tells us that their patrons self-select the Culi Arabica over ANY OTHER coffee they have offered.
This is a fragrant heirloom Arabica coffee with a complexity in the low tones one might expect from gourmet Robusta or Excelsa coffee. There is not a hint of objectionable modern hybrid licorice or barley taste. It is a favorite in winter due to its comforting dark, peaberry edge and broad flavor range. It has a haunting aftertaste that commands a second cup. In the summer it has an edge that makes it a unique and superb iced coffee.
You can go in many directions brewing the Creative #5. It's an Arabica that can be brewed lightly to provide a superbly balanced breakfast-style coffee, but it also is a peaberry, dark coffee that can be brewed strong to provide a Full City Roast intensity with no bitterness.
To brew light, you may want to use as little as a level tablespoon per cup. But you can go as strong as you like, even stacking it high in a Phin filter to get an espresso-like result. This is a coffee that is immensly versatile and fun, and for many Trung Nguyen fans, it's their favorite all-round blend.
For calibrating this coffee for commercial brewing, we suggest the whole bean, set to the grind you need. In commercial machines, if the grind is off, the flavor result can move from light to dark too easily, and some of the fabulous flavor hints can be lost, particularly if brewing at a high temperature (above 195°). The grind is good for Bunn-style carafe brewers, where the results are reliable and delicious and will surpass any coffee service coffee.
For home brewing, the pre-ground is perfect for cone-filter drip machines, percs, cold-brewing, Phin filters and French Press, so you typically won't get any flavor advantage from grinding it yourself. If you use a basket-style machine you may want the whole bean and it should be ground to medium-fine.
Weight: 340gram

The Culi Arabica is a world-class, multi-source, peaberry blended coffee. The Creative #5 is a coffeehouse favorite here in the USA. One bakery/coffeeshop here in New England displays the Culi Arabica in a presspot along with 6-7 other world-class coffees from Jamaica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sumatra, etc., and tells us that their patrons self-select the Culi Arabica over ANY OTHER coffee they have offered.
This is a fragrant heirloom Arabica coffee with a complexity in the low tones one might expect from gourmet Robusta or Excelsa coffee. There is not a hint of objectionable modern hybrid licorice or barley taste. It is a favorite in winter due to its comforting dark, peaberry edge and broad flavor range. It has a haunting aftertaste that commands a second cup. In the summer it has an edge that makes it a unique and superb iced coffee.
You can go in many directions brewing the Creative #5. It's an Arabica that can be brewed lightly to provide a superbly balanced breakfast-style coffee, but it also is a peaberry, dark coffee that can be brewed strong to provide a Full City Roast intensity with no bitterness.
To brew light, you may want to use as little as a level tablespoon per cup. But you can go as strong as you like, even stacking it high in a Phin filter to get an espresso-like result. This is a coffee that is immensly versatile and fun, and for many Trung Nguyen fans, it's their favorite all-round blend.
For calibrating this coffee for commercial brewing, we suggest the whole bean, set to the grind you need. In commercial machines, if the grind is off, the flavor result can move from light to dark too easily, and some of the fabulous flavor hints can be lost, particularly if brewing at a high temperature (above 195°). The grind is good for Bunn-style carafe brewers, where the results are reliable and delicious and will surpass any coffee service coffee.
For home brewing, the pre-ground is perfect for cone-filter drip machines, percs, cold-brewing, Phin filters and French Press, so you typically won't get any flavor advantage from grinding it yourself. If you use a basket-style machine you may want the whole bean and it should be ground to medium-fine.
Cafe Creative 5: Culi Arabica
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Cafe Creative 4: Premium Culi

Cafe Creative 4: Premium Culi

Weight: 340gram

This coffee is a gourmet's dream blend. Trung Nguyen puts together carefully selected Culi (unsplit "peaberries") from 4 different varieties. A lot of care and balancing goes into this coffee, and Trung Nguyen is rewarded by many loyal Vietnamese drinkers who proclaim this their favorite brew.
There are a lot of complex flavors in this coffee, and it also runs a little to the bitter and acid tastes, which is a plus for people who want a full-bodied coffee experience. If you like strong coffee, double up on this one and go for the gusto! In winter this is a comfort coffee, with its rich, appetite-awakening flavor and aroma. In the summer it ices well and picks up different flavor tones.
Many restaurants and coffeeshops serve this coffee as their one, representative "Vietnamese coffee" in the Phin single-serving filter. Sometimes fans of this coffee will double it up in the small filter and drink it espresso-strength.
Culi-based coffees have an edge to them that is lost if stored in the fridge as iced coffee concentrate. Drink it fresh... and brew it right onto ice if you can. It's a sipping coffee when made strong, delightful in every taste.
Interestingly, the Creative #4 Premium Culi is one of the more successful coffees for brewing in home drip machines, and it works well in Bunn-style office carafe machines. At one level tablespoon per coffee you get a mild but broad taste. At 1.5 or 2 tablespoons you get that intense flavor it is famous for.
As with most Vietnamese coffees, if you can control the temperature you can get different effects. At 185° brewing you accent all the extra flavor tones and the chocolate/vanilla hints. At 205° you lose those flavor tones and get a more American-style coffee.

Weight: 340gram

This coffee is a gourmet's dream blend. Trung Nguyen puts together carefully selected Culi (unsplit "peaberries") from 4 different varieties. A lot of care and balancing goes into this coffee, and Trung Nguyen is rewarded by many loyal Vietnamese drinkers who proclaim this their favorite brew.
There are a lot of complex flavors in this coffee, and it also runs a little to the bitter and acid tastes, which is a plus for people who want a full-bodied coffee experience. If you like strong coffee, double up on this one and go for the gusto! In winter this is a comfort coffee, with its rich, appetite-awakening flavor and aroma. In the summer it ices well and picks up different flavor tones.
Many restaurants and coffeeshops serve this coffee as their one, representative "Vietnamese coffee" in the Phin single-serving filter. Sometimes fans of this coffee will double it up in the small filter and drink it espresso-strength.
Culi-based coffees have an edge to them that is lost if stored in the fridge as iced coffee concentrate. Drink it fresh... and brew it right onto ice if you can. It's a sipping coffee when made strong, delightful in every taste.
Interestingly, the Creative #4 Premium Culi is one of the more successful coffees for brewing in home drip machines, and it works well in Bunn-style office carafe machines. At one level tablespoon per coffee you get a mild but broad taste. At 1.5 or 2 tablespoons you get that intense flavor it is famous for.
As with most Vietnamese coffees, if you can control the temperature you can get different effects. At 185° brewing you accent all the extra flavor tones and the chocolate/vanilla hints. At 205° you lose those flavor tones and get a more American-style coffee.
Cafe Creative 4: Premium Culi
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Cafe Creative 3: Arabica Se

Cafe Creative 3: Arabica Se

Weight: 340gram

The Trung Nguyen Arabica Se is one of the world's most select and superior Arabica coffees. The Se stands for "Sparrow". The Sparrow Arabica is a cultivar grown exclusively in Vietnam and is noted for its mild acidity and superb balance. We often describe it as "what a donut-shop coffee wants to be when it grows up"!
If you object to the flavors in the new hybrid Arabicas, which can be redolant of licorice, lemon or barley, you will enjoy the fully old-world taste of this fine Arabica.
The Arabica Se is such a great combination of mild acidity and balanced aroma and taste that it is well suited as an all-purpose coffee, served any time of day and excellent for icing.
It's also a perfect dessert coffee, being a little sweet and wonderfully rich, so it isn't eclipsed by your Tiramisu. Iced, it should be brewed strong. It's impossible to make the Se bitter by brewing, so use it in any brewing method and feel free to double the amount of grinds or even make it Turkish-style if you begin with whole bean and grind it fine.
This coffee is also a good candidate for cold brewing, where it picks up floral tones and becomes a low-acid but flavorful coffee when used in an iced coffee concentrate.
The Se works well in any brewing method, including even basket filter drip machines.

Weight: 340gram

The Trung Nguyen Arabica Se is one of the world's most select and superior Arabica coffees. The Se stands for "Sparrow". The Sparrow Arabica is a cultivar grown exclusively in Vietnam and is noted for its mild acidity and superb balance. We often describe it as "what a donut-shop coffee wants to be when it grows up"!
If you object to the flavors in the new hybrid Arabicas, which can be redolant of licorice, lemon or barley, you will enjoy the fully old-world taste of this fine Arabica.
The Arabica Se is such a great combination of mild acidity and balanced aroma and taste that it is well suited as an all-purpose coffee, served any time of day and excellent for icing.
It's also a perfect dessert coffee, being a little sweet and wonderfully rich, so it isn't eclipsed by your Tiramisu. Iced, it should be brewed strong. It's impossible to make the Se bitter by brewing, so use it in any brewing method and feel free to double the amount of grinds or even make it Turkish-style if you begin with whole bean and grind it fine.
This coffee is also a good candidate for cold brewing, where it picks up floral tones and becomes a low-acid but flavorful coffee when used in an iced coffee concentrate.
The Se works well in any brewing method, including even basket filter drip machines.

Cafe Creative 3: Arabica Se
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Cafe Creative 2: Robusta Arabica

Cafe Creative 2: Robusta Arabica

Weight: 340gram

The Trung Nguyen Robusta Arabica is definitely the hands-down most accessible and popular coffee served in our taste testings and Market booths. It's a wonderful blend of high-quality Arabica and heirloom Robusta. It is an "anytime" coffee, with medium caffeine, well-balanced blended taste, and as good iced as it is hot. We suspect that at one time, a blend like this was the standard approach to fine coffee served around the world, before the days of modern hybrids and confined one-species tastes.
If you have never tried Vietnamese coffee, here is a perfect first candidate. In over 20,000 taste tests we can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who were not enthusiastic about this coffee.
This coffee is best brewed at 1.5 tablespoons per cup, in a cone-shaped drip machine, French Press, percolator or any soak method. For some reason the coffee is not as successful in commercial machines as some of the other Trung Nguyen coffees, so we don't recommend it as a coffeehouse coffee, despite its immense popularity in home brewing. The whole bean is exceptionally flavorful, and could be experimented with if you want to use the #2 as a base for coffee specialty drinks and a house coffee.
If you are introducing a friend to Vietnamese coffee and you don't know their tastes, you can't go wrong with this balanced and delicious popular favorite coffee with a budget price.

Weight: 340gram

The Trung Nguyen Robusta Arabica is definitely the hands-down most accessible and popular coffee served in our taste testings and Market booths. It's a wonderful blend of high-quality Arabica and heirloom Robusta. It is an "anytime" coffee, with medium caffeine, well-balanced blended taste, and as good iced as it is hot. We suspect that at one time, a blend like this was the standard approach to fine coffee served around the world, before the days of modern hybrids and confined one-species tastes.
If you have never tried Vietnamese coffee, here is a perfect first candidate. In over 20,000 taste tests we can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who were not enthusiastic about this coffee.
This coffee is best brewed at 1.5 tablespoons per cup, in a cone-shaped drip machine, French Press, percolator or any soak method. For some reason the coffee is not as successful in commercial machines as some of the other Trung Nguyen coffees, so we don't recommend it as a coffeehouse coffee, despite its immense popularity in home brewing. The whole bean is exceptionally flavorful, and could be experimented with if you want to use the #2 as a base for coffee specialty drinks and a house coffee.
If you are introducing a friend to Vietnamese coffee and you don't know their tastes, you can't go wrong with this balanced and delicious popular favorite coffee with a budget price.
Cafe Creative 2: Robusta Arabica
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Cafe Creative 1: Culi Robusta

Cafe Creative 1: Culi Robusta

Creative 1: Culi Robusta Cafe
 Creative 1: Culi Robusta

Weight: 340gram

The Vietnamese pioneered and perfected the Robusta variety over a hundred years ago. Yet in the late 20th century, much of the gourmet quality of this heirloom variety was lost due to improper cultivation and harvesting. The Culi Robusta is Trung Nguyen's triumphant return to the best gourmet Robusta in the world. There simply is no other source that we have found that exemplifies the true potential of gourmet, heirloom Robusta raised in the perfect climate, picked in multiple sessions, and sun-dried for up to 100 days to achieve the full ripeness and wonderful flavor tones that cannot be duplicated in water-washed coffees.
Creative #1 is an extremely full-bodied coffee, partially Culi or "peaberry mix, that fills the room with superior aroma. Some can detect a chocolaty flavor, too, that originates from the long ripening process. It is difficult to describe this coffee to Americans who have never had access to a gourmet heirloom Robusta, and who have been told that only Arabica coffee can be exceptional. This is one of the world's best gourmet "cheap thrills". Because of the prolific growth of Robusta, this coffee is available in a price range well below its worth in quality.
It makes an exc
Creative 1: Culi Robusta Cafe
 Creative 1: Culi Robusta

Weight: 340gram

The Vietnamese pioneered and perfected the Robusta variety over a hundred years ago. Yet in the late 20th century, much of the gourmet quality of this heirloom variety was lost due to improper cultivation and harvesting. The Culi Robusta is Trung Nguyen's triumphant return to the best gourmet Robusta in the world. There simply is no other source that we have found that exemplifies the true potential of gourmet, heirloom Robusta raised in the perfect climate, picked in multiple sessions, and sun-dried for up to 100 days to achieve the full ripeness and wonderful flavor tones that cannot be duplicated in water-washed coffees.
Creative #1 is an extremely full-bodied coffee, partially Culi or "peaberry mix, that fills the room with superior aroma. Some can detect a chocolaty flavor, too, that originates from the long ripening process. It is difficult to describe this coffee to Americans who have never had access to a gourmet heirloom Robusta, and who have been told that only Arabica coffee can be exceptional. This is one of the world's best gourmet "cheap thrills". Because of the prolific growth of Robusta, this coffee is available in a price range well below its worth in quality.
It makes an exc
Cafe Creative 1: Culi Robusta
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